Mitch Marner under fire for harassing the media

Samer Dagher
May 8, 2024  (12:00)

Toronto Maple Leafs forward Mitch Marner
Photo credit: Toronto Star

All signs point to Mitch Marner leaving the Toronto Maple Leafs in the near future. After years of playoff disappointments, things have hit a breaking point, especially with some shocking revelations with Marner and the media

According to reports from insider James Mirtle, Marner and his team have taken an extreme step. They've apparently hired private security to intimidate and harass the media.

Part of that. He pays attention to everything, right? He and his camp pay attention to everything, like, to such a degree. I mean, you know, Marner's camp has been mad at me and blackballed me going back, like, five or six years, and I have no idea why, like that.

No one ever said to me, like, oh, I didn't like this thing you wrote. Like, I think that our coverage of Marner has been largely positive. You know, going way back to when he was drafted and when he first came into, I mean, his rookie season, he was phenomenal, you know, and, like, he's had, he's regular season, he's been a great, great player, and I think that we've written that.

But there's such a sensitivity there. Um, you know, so there's all these feuds going on, and you hear about, you know, he's got, like, private security people that harass media people, and there's just, uh, there's really weird stuff that's going on. It's really strange things that go on with, with Marner, and sometimes I feel bad for him.

Mirtle mentioned his own experience, saying Marner's camp has been upset with him for years, even though he's always given positive coverage. He's confused about why they're mad, especially since they've never pointed out any specific issues with his reporting.

This behavior is unacceptable and sheds new light on Marner's actions since he was drafted. It'll be interesting to see if more details emerge about this situation.

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Mitch Marner under fire for harassing the media

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